Saturday, October 22, 2016

Week #9

Today, as I sit in the library cramming for my two hardest midterms given this semester, I can't help but reflect back on how grateful I am for the blessings I have received. This past week I have felt like I am up to my ears in exams/reviews/projects/internships. I have allowed myself to become stressed out of my mind, and focusing on the here and now. I received a heart dropping call on Wednesday, telling me that a good family friend of mine had just received the news that his younger sister has been missing since this past Sunday (six days).

Spencer, my family friend, dropped everything and flew out with his parents on the next flight to Oregon to search for his sister. I couldn't help but think about how that would influence his midterms and scores missing such vital days in class and review sessions. Shortly after allowing myself to think of this, I realized that Spencer and his parents showed 0% concern on what they were missing to fly to Oregon, and 100% concern on finding their daughter and sister.

This was a great learning experience for me. Seeing a family go through such a trying time, they focused all of their attention on the things that really matter, and gave little attention to the trivial concerns.

Considering the fact that my conversation with Spencer Wednesday night came right after I felt as if I did less than optimal on my book of mormon midterm, it showed me how roped up I had allowed myself get on something that doesn't matter. I have a home, I have a loving family that is currently safe, I have food, I have water, I have God.

I need to focus more of my attention on what I'm lucky enough to have, and less on what I don't have.

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